In the transit case market, we understand that one size does not fit all. That’s why we don’t produce cookie cutter cases that may or may not fit your transit case needs. We offer the best in custom case design because we know that a customized case is the only option when you have very specific case requirements.
We offer customization in every part of the process. We employ a variety of manufacturing techniques including rotational, injection, and blow molding, as well as vacuum forming, in order to design a case that best meets your specifications. We also construct both fabricated and welded aluminum cases, which offer the incredible combination of strength and lightweight that aluminum is known for. Aluminum is just one of the many different construction materials we offer. Others include polyurethane plastic, which offers increased durability and strength over traditional plastic.
The interiors of our cases are highly customizable, and we can design them to accommodate whatever the contents may be. Customizable foam interiors can protect sensitive medical and electronic equipment, and double entry rack mount cases allow for rack mountable case security.
Advanced Packaging, Inc. was established over 40 years ago with the mission of engineering and delivering the highest quality shipping and cushioning systems available. Since then our worldwide customer base has grown to include those in the military, government, commercial and industrial business sectors, as well as many other industries. API’s local clients value our convenience to the Washington, DC tech corridor.
Not only do we make custom cases for every type of industry, API is also equipped with the latest in quality assurance and process control monitoring technology, including drop testing, protecting your electronic equipment from unforeseen accidents and events. Our team of craftsmen regularly build and then test a variety complex electronic assemblies.
If you have any questions, please contact Advanced Packaging Inc. by calling 1-888-206-5250 or visit our website today!