How to Improve Shock and Tilt Protection for Custom Aluminum Cases

by Apr 6, 2018

How to Improve Shock and Tilt Protection for Custom Aluminum Cases

Using a Custom Aluminum Cases is a great start to protection, but If you want to ensure your equipment is treated with care and makes it to you safely, shock and tilt indicators are your new secret weapon.

No matter how well your industrial equipment has been packaged, shipment can put a strain on your product. Between transfers from air, truck, rail, and sea to the variety of handlers your equipment will cross paths with there are plenty of opportunities for accidents. Using Custom Aluminum Cases is a great start to protection, but If you want to ensure your equipment is treated with care and makes it to you safely, shock and tilt indicators are your new secret weapon. Shock and tilt monitors are a quick and inexpensive way to not only make sure handlers are taking care, but you’ll be able to tell where the damage occurred if it happens.

Inexpensive Extra Protection

Custom aluminum cases are one of the best options for transporting materials for any sector, and we understand that our customers are working with sensitive and fragile materials. That’s why we recommend Shock and Tilt protection. It’s one of the most inexpensive ways to ensure an extra level of security. When you consider the costs associated with logistics, management, packaging, on top of any costs incurred by damage, the few dollars per each indicator becomes paltry.

Ensure Handlers Treat Your Shipments With Care

While we all would hope that our shipments are being handled with care, it’s not always the case. The true advantage of shock and tilt Indicators lie in the way they make those handling your products take note. Packages with visible indicators tend to be treated with greater care. To get the best results, you should place your indicators where they will be most visible. We recommend one on the end and side panels to maximize visibility.  

Prevent Tampering with Complete Protection

While Shock and tilt protectors are a great way to ensure your products aren’t damaged, you’ll want to take extra steps to ensure they’re tamper-proof. Placing an extra indicator within your custom aluminum cases will ensure they aren’t removed and replaced. You can also stamp a logo or other tamper proof marker on top of each indicator to ensure it is not replaced in transit.

Trust Advanced Packaging, Inc. for All Your Aluminum Case Needs

Advanced Packaging, Inc. has an incredible amount of experience making custom demo cases from a wide range of materials for a wide range of objects. We have the latest in quality assurance technology to make sure that whether you need aluminum custom casing or quality package testing for your product, we can get the job done safely, quickly, and expertly. If you would like to learn more about our custom packaging, give us a call at 1-888-206-5250 or visit us online. For more tips on picking the right custom case for you, follow us on YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and now Instagram. Whether you are on the East Coast or the West Coast, we are here to serve you.