When you need custom aluminum cases for your electrical equipment, making sure that they remain at an appropriate temperature is important.
When you need custom aluminum cases for your electrical equipment, making sure that they remain at an appropriate temperature is important. For some items, simple convective airflow is enough to keep your items cool and in good condition. For others, a more sophisticated method might be needed. By starting with a custom aluminum case from Advanced Packaging you’ve already ensured your items are well protected, next you just need the finishing touches!
Fortunately, there are several options available for advanced cooling. Depending on your needs, application, and budget you’ll be able to find the perfect match for your custom aluminum case. The main three types of cooling systems include fans and heat exchangers, thermoelectric coolers, and air compressors. As you consider which best fits your needs, you’ll want to start by examining what you’ll be using it for and how.
Environmental Concerns
As you begin to consider your cooling option, you’ll want to take a hard look at what kind of environment your aluminum custom case will be passing through; for instance, consider the anticipated temperature highs and lows, the humidity levels, and whether or not your custom aluminum cases will be exposed to sunlight. These factors decide how intensive your cooling needs to be. Second, you’ll want to think about if there is a threat of dust if so you will not be able to use systems that employ fans or heat exchangers.
Details of the Case
The physical details of your case can make a difference in how you run your cooling too, size, in particular, can determine how well air is internally circulated. Also, heat-reflecting colors and coatings can help reduce the effects of sunlight and minimize radiant heat. You’ll also need to consider what type of power your system will be using, whether you have access to only DC or 120 VAC can make a difference in your options. Next, you’ll need to consider where on your unit you can mount your cooling system. The back of the unit is often best, however, other options are possible. Lastly, you will need to decide if you will need to remotely monitor the temperature conditions that affect your custom aluminum cases, which may be important for transporting medical or military supplies.
Payload Concerns
The last aspects to consider as you begin to plan your custom aluminum cases’ air conditioning system is the maximum and minimum capabilities. Once you consider the peak outdoor temperatures, you’ll need to calculate how much heat is likely to be produced internally and consider what temperature the interior can reach. Likewise, a minimum temperature consideration should be examined; this is especially important if your products will be transported through areas with drastically different temperatures.
Bring Your Custom Aluminum Case Needs To The Best
Here at Advanced Packaging Inc., we have years and years of experience crafting the finest custom aluminum cases for our clients. Regardless of what kind of cooling system your aluminum case needs, we will get your order completed safely, quickly, and expertly. If you have more questions or want to learn more about the services we offer, give us a call at 1-888-206-5250 or visit us online. For tips on how to pick the right kind of aluminum flight case for you and your needs, follow us on YouTube, Flickr, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and now Instagram. Wherever you are in the USA, we are here to help you with all your unique packaging needs!